ミゥミオ ミスミオ ミイミシミオムミサミー ミ」ミコムミーム厘スミク ム・ム・サミーミイミー, ム・ミイミセミサム・ |
Ukraine's glory hasn't perished, nor her freedom |
Anthem MIDI FIle
About Anthem

Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy(Ukraine's glory has not perished) is the national anthem of Ukraine. The lyrics constitute a slightly modified original first stanza of the patriotic poem written in 1862 by Pavlo Chubynsky, a prominent ethnographer from the region of Ukraine's capital, Kiev.
In 1863, Mykhaylo Verbytsky, a western Ukrainian composer and a Greek-Catholic priest composed music to accompany Chubynsky's text. The first choral performance of the piece was at the Ukraine Theatre in Lviv, in 1864(image: Main square of Kiev /source: Wikipedia).