Ceddin Deden Turkey march lyrics YouTube movie MIDI

Ceddin Deden

About Anthem


Ottoman military bands are thought to be the oldest variety of military marching band in the world. Though they are often known by the Persian-derived word mahtar in the West, that word, properly speaking, refers only to a single musician in the band. In Ottoman, the band was generally known as mehterテ「n. Though Mehter band played a variety of frontier marches, Ceddin deden is one of the best known (image: Davul players /source: Wikipedia)


Ceddin deden, Neslin baban!
Ceddin deden, Neslin baban!
Hep kahraman Tテシrk milleti!

Ordularトアn, pekテァok zaman!
Vermiナ殳iler dテシnyaya ナ歛n!
Ordularトアn, pekテァok zaman!
Vermiナ殳iler dテシnyaya ナ歛n!

Your ancestors, your grandfathers,
your generation, your father
The Turkish nation has always been valiant,
Your armies, many times have been renowned throughout the world

Tテシrk milleti, Tテシrk milleti!
Tテシrk milleti, Tテシrk milleti!
Aナ殘 ile sev hテシrriyeti!

Kahret vatan dテシナ殞anトアnトア!
テ㌃ksin o mel-un zilleti.
Kahret vatan dテシナ殞anトアnトア!
テ㌃ksin o mel-un zilleti.

Turkish nation, Turkish nation
Passionately love (your) freedom Overwhelm the enemies of your (free) motherland And make that cursed ones feel abjected