Oi maamme, Suomi, synnyinmaa! |
Our land, our land, our motherland, |
Sun kukoistukses kuorestaan |
Thy blossom, in the bud laid low, |
Anthem MIDI FIle
About Anthem

Our Land, Maamme (Finnish), or Vテ・rt land (Swedish), is the title of Finland's de facto national anthem.
The music was composed by the German immigrant Fredrik Pacius, with (original Swedish) words by the Swedish-speaking Finn Johan Ludvig Runeberg, and was performed for the first time on 13 May 1848. The original poem, written in 1846 but not printed until 1848, had 11 stanzas and formed the prologue to the great verse cycle The Tales of Ensign Stテ・l ("Fテ、nrik Stテ・hls Sテ、gner"), a masterpiece of Romantic nationalism.
The current Finnish text is usually attributed to the 1889 translation of Ensign Stテ・l by Paavo Cajander, but in fact originates from the 1867 translation by Julius Krohn (photo: Helsinki Cathedral /source: Wikipedia).