About Anthem

"March of the Volunteers" (Traditional Chinese: 鄒ゥ蜍・サ埼イ陦梧峇; Simplified Chinese: 荵牙窮蜀幄ソ幄。梧峇; pinyin: Yテャyヌ地gjナォn Jテャnxテュngqヌ・ is the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, written in the midst of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) by the noted poet and playwright Tian Han with music composed by Nie Er. This composition is a musical march. The piece was first performed as part of a 1934 Shanghai play and its original lyrics is the official lyrics of the national anthem (photo: Tiananmen Square /source: Wikipedia).
Lyrics and translation (source: Wikipedia)
襍キ譚・・・荳肴・蛛壼・エ髫カ逧・ココ莉ャ・・br> 謚頑・莉ャ逧・。閧会シ檎ュ第・謌台サャ譁ー逧・柄蝓趣シ・br> 荳ュ蜊取ー第酪蛻ー莠・怙蜊ア髯ゥ逧・慮蛟・br> 豈惹クェ莠コ陲ォ霑ォ逹蜿大・譛蜷守噪蜷シ螢ー |
Arise! All who refuse to be slaves! |
襍キ譚・・・襍キ譚・・・襍キ譚・・・/p> |
Arise! Arise! Arise! |
謌台サャ荳・シ嶺ク蠢・シ・br> 蜀堤捩謨御ココ逧・ぐ轣ォ・悟燕霑幢シ・br> 蜀堤捩謨御ココ逧・ぐ轣ォ・悟燕霑幢シ・/p> 蜑崎ソ幢シ・蜑崎ソ幢シ・霑幢シ・/p> |
May our million hearts beat as one, |