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Vielgerテシhmtes テ穆terreich, |
Highly praised Austria, |
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Vielgeprテシftes テ穆terreich, |
Much tried Austria, |
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Vielgeliebtes テ穆terreich, |
Much beloved Austria, |
Anthem MIDI FIle
About Anthem

Land der Berge, Land am Strome (Land of the mountains, land on the river) is the national anthem of Austria. Nineteen days before his death on December 5th, 1791 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his last complete work, the "Freimaurerkantate", KV 623. In parts of the edition of this cantata there appeared the "Chain Song", KV 623a.
To this melody the Austrian National Anthem is sung. According to leading musicologists in Vienna, this tune was not written by Mozart, but by Johann Holzer, a Freemason Brother of his, and composer of many songs. The lyrics were written by the Austrian writer Paula von Preradovic. On October 22, 1946 it was declared Austria's official national anthem (image: Vienna State Opera /source: Wikipedia)